Outsourcing to Eastern Europe Expected to Grow 28% over the next 3 years

Outsourcing to Eastern Europe Expected to Grow 28% over the next 3 years

software outsourcingEastern Europe has become a place of key interest for those looking to outsource software development. Not only is there a large population of tech-savvy developers, but the price is right and the culture of US and Eastern Europe is a good fit.

The New York Times writes:

What is unusual about Eastern and Central Europe is that their most advanced cities offer a potent mix of attributes that even Bangalore cannot rival: a highly educated, multilingual pool of talent in an increasingly affluent consumer market — all barely a stone’s throw from its prime clients.

Currently, Eastern Europe accounts for approximately 2% of the total $75 billion US outsourcing industry, but Robert Brown, an outsourcing analyst at Gartner Dataquest, says that he expect that Eastern Europe’s share will grow to 30% by 2010.

Currently, India believes it can take 50% of the outsourcing this year with China following close behind. Experts see outsourcing continuing to grow while the countries that provide outsourcing shift in percentage of work handled.

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